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should be the best
Mind Of Country!!

- dr. s. Radha krishnan
Image Of Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan

All About The Legend

Again Image Of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

Dr. sarvPalli Radhakrishnan

He was born on September 5, 1888. Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is well-known for his notable work as a
teacher, philosopher, and scholar.
Dr Radhakrishnan was the first Vice-President of India and the second President of India.

What A Teacher Taught Us ?


the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association.acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique


Discipline provides people with rules to live their lives efficiently and effectively. The idea is that when a person has discipline in their life, they can make small sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future.


Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth. It’s also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien.

Good Human

Some people think that being a good person is as simple as not doing harm to another. But it is not always about what you don't do, but what you do for others.

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